Design & Motion

Allhands is a Brandlive product built to energize and align internal teams with TV-quality meetings and a central hub for on-demand videos. As part of the Allhands product launch, Brandlive sought to create an animated 2-minute video to be used as the centerpiece in communicating key messaging and to later work as a foundation for ads and other various marketing assets. The result was a distinct product narrative complemented by a charming and colorful treatment.

Helvetica Now is a new chapter in the story of perhaps the best-known typeface of all time. The Typeface release was promoted with a dynamic and rhythmic type animation built to show off this reimagined staple. This quick turn not only accomplished its primary goal, but was also viewed over 800k times and received 8 creative awards.
Helvetica Now

Galois protects your most important information. These two awareness videos were created to educate industries that rely on critical systems about formal methods and formal verification. Rudimentary shapes and primary colors were used to distill complicated, mathematical ideas down to two simplified overviews. These details were successfully applied to reach a broad audience and keep viewers from getting lost in the details.